RANDEL, Nancy - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Star Press 18 June 1892 p 1

Only a few short days ago announcement was made in these columns of the death of Mrs. Hurt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Randel from typhoid fever. Now we are called upon to chronicle the sickness and death of the mother, Nancy A, wife of Mr. HM Randel from the same disease the seeds of which were undoubtedly sown while with the devotedness of a mother she nursed and watched at her daughter’s side. Mrs. Randel died on Monday morning June 13 leaving behind husband, son, relatives and host of friends to mourn her loss. The funeral took place on Tuesday the services being conducted by Elder W. H. Williams; burial at Brick Chapel Cemetery. The church was tastefully draped and flowers, ferns, etc were banked about the pulpit, etc, under the artistic direction of Mr. Arthur of Forest Hill Cemetery. At the grave an exciting and sad episode took place. The burial was taking place when Mrs. JL Randel fell over in an unconscious condition.  Willing hearts and hands immediately went to her assistance and every means was used to restore her to consciousness. She remained in an unconscious condition however for over an hour but at this writing she appears to have fully recovered from the attack. Additional sadness and afflictions for the family is caused by the fact that Mr. Harrison M. Randel, his son, Douglas Randel and the latter’s wife are all sick of the same dread ever in its worse form. Sympathy for the stricken family is widespread and sincere and we but voice our own and the heartfelt wish of the community in the prayer that the convalescence and recovery of the remaining sick ones may be speedy and permanent.  

Source: Greencastle Star Press 25 June 1892 p 1

On Saturday last for the third time in the last few weeks, the death angel visited the family circle of Mr. HM Randel. After nobly battling against the ravages of typhoid fever, FM Randel, the eldest son of the family was vanquished and passed to the beyond on Saturday, leaving a bereaved and heart-broken family to mourn his loss. Peace for the dead; comfort and consolation for the living in our prayers. - kbz

Source: Greencastle Banner & Times 16 June 1892 p 1

The family of Harry M. Randel, one of the most prominent citizens of Putnam County is just now undergoing a terrible seige of that dread disease, typhoid fever. Three weeks ago, Mrs. Carrie Hurt, daughter of Mr. Randel died of typhoid at Bloomingdale. Mr. and Mrs. Randel and other relatives attended Mrs. Hurt in her last illness and they to a one contracted the fever. On Monday Mrs. HM Randel died of the disease at the family home in Monroe Township one and one-half miles northwest of Brick Chapel, the funeral occurring Tuesday at the Chapel. Mr. Randel is confined to his bed with the fever as are Mr. and Mrs. Doug Randel and a young lady who acted as nurse in Mrs. Hurt’s sickness. The members of the family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the city and county in their affliction. Councilman JL Randel of this city is a son of Mr. HM Randel.

Francis Marion Randel - dates from FindaGrave (buried Brick Chapel) 1 Jan 1885 - 18 June 1892

Nancy Stevens Randel 12 July 1841 - 13 June 1893

Bless their deal souls

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